Flora Massanella - Diététicienne

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Flora Massanella - Diététicienne Essence Box

Dietician-Nutritionist and psycho-nutritionist for more than 15 years, she specializes in nutritional care that can be linked to weight loss, therapeutic diets (hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, gluten intolerance, arterial hypertension, hypothyroidism, Crohn's disease , help with smoking cessation, etc.) but also in eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, compulsions...) or the nutrition of athletes of all levels.

Its area of ​​expertise is aimed at all ages and situations, whether for children, adolescents, adults, pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly or even athletes.

She regularly writes articles as well as educational documents on the subject and is a lecturer in nutrition and food. She is the author of works such as "Food, recipes and culinary practices", she is also an expert consultant for national organizations and organizes training courses as well as conferences and regularly participates in television reports.

Its expertise is also used in the development and control of nutritional labeling as well as the control of the application of regulatory requirements (HACCP).

LMD Nr. 3: 3-tägiges Detox-Diätprogramm

In dieser Zeit nach den Ferien hat unsere Organisation unter all unserem Missbrauch gelitten. Es ist daher vorzuziehen, grün zu werden, damit sich das

LMD #2: Alles über Spirulina

Unsere Ernährungsberaterin untersucht nun den Fall von Spirulina. Sie erzählt uns alles über dieses außergewöhnliche Superfood.

LMD #1: Alles über Chiasamen.

Erfahren Sie alles, was Sie über Chiasamen wissen müssen. Ihre Eigenschaften, wie man sie konsumiert? Das Wort an unseren Ernährungsberater.