Summer is here and the sun too, but this beautiful season can quickly be ruined by annoying little beasts: mosquitoes. They can not only prevent us from sleeping but also leave us with beautiful itchy skin. But fortunately, there are natural solutions to keep them away but also to soothe the itching due to bites.

But why do mosquitoes bite us?

You should know that it is only the females that bite us because they need our blood for their reproduction. They use it to lay their eggs and also the small mosquitoes to grow thanks to the proteins and nutrients contained in our blood (the male mosquitoes will, for their part, feed mainly on nectar and sweet substances present in plants).

And we are not all equal in the face of these bites! Some people get bitten more than others. But how do they choose their target? Female mosquitoes will be attracted to several things: the body heat we give off, the CO2 we release when breathing, and body odor. It is these 3 factors that will cause a mosquito to bite us rather than our neighbour. 

Also note that when it feeds, the mosquito will release saliva into our skin to prevent blood clotting.


How to keep mosquitoes away with essential oils?

Essential oils have amazing virtues and some of them will be very effective against mosquitoes. 3 molecules will give off a powerful and toxic scent for mosquitoes: citronellal, citronellol and geraniol. They are found, for example, in the essential oils of citronella and rose geranium. Diffuse essential oil for 30 minutes with  your diffuser or drop a few onto a  passive diffuser for slow, continuous diffusion. 

Lemongrass essential oil

Lemongrass  is certainly the most famous essential oil for repelling mosquitoes. Due to its high concentration of citronellal, it will have a repellent action against insects and particularly against mosquitoes. You can diffuse it using a diffuser or use it as a body repellent by applying it to the skin diluted in vegetable oil.

Lavender essential oil

Beyond its soothing scent,  this essential oil is also a good repellent for mosquitoes. It will also be effective in relieving their bites.

Lemon Eucalyptus essential oil

This is another essential oil that will be powerful against mosquitoes due to its high concentration of citronellal and citronellol. You can dilute it in a carrier oil, like coconut oil or jojoba oil, and apply this mixture to the skin for effective protection.

Geranium Rosat essential oil

The combination of geraniol and citronellol present in Geranium Rosat essential oil gives it a repellent action against all types of insects.


Other natural solutions

Here are some other natural solutions to keep mosquitoes away:

  • Citronella Candle : This really is a mosquito fanatic. Light a citronella candle in your garden or on your terrace, it will create an olfactory barrier that will repel mosquitoes.
  • Repellent plants : and yes, the plants from which the anti-mosquito essential oils come will also have a repellent power against these insects. Install plants such as citronella (again and always), lavender, mint or even geranium on the sill of your windows to repel them.
  • Mosquito nets : when it's hot, we like to sleep with the window open, but that's where mosquitoes take advantage to sneak into your room. Installing screens on your windows and doors will keep them out.
  • Elimination of standing water : Mosquitoes breed in standing water. Be sure to remove all sources of standing water around your home such as waterlogged flower pots or clogged gutters.

How to relieve a mosquito bite?

If despite everything, you got bitten, don't worry, there are also natural solutions to soothe bites. We all agree that the first thing that relieves us when we get bitten is scratching! 

Do you know why this bothers us?

As we indicated at the beginning of the article, the female mosquito will release saliva when she bites. Well, our immune system will react to this saliva and release histamine to block it. It is this release of histamine that will make the skin red and itchy. Scratching will certainly relieve us at the time but will also create small lesions and will thus spread the mosquito's saliva. And in the end, the button itches even more! 

It is therefore preferable to apply a soothing solution that will reduce the itching. Here are some examples of what you can put on your skin: 

Peppermint essential oil 

Thanks to its cooling effect, Peppermint essential oil can soothe itching and reduce inflammation. Dilute a few drops in carrier oil and apply gently to the affected area.

Roman Chamomile Hydrosol

Known for its anti-inflammatory and calming properties, Roman Chamomile hydrosol can help reduce redness and itching. Apply a few drops to the bite or add to your bath for overall relief. The advantage of the hydrosol is that it can be used by everyone, even the little ones.

Tea tree essential oil

Tea Tree essential oil  has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve itching caused by mosquito bites. Apply a drop of Tea Tree Oil directly to the bite and massage gently for quick relief.


Example of anti-mosquito synergy based on essential oils :

In a tinted glass bottle, mix the essential oils and add the jojoba oil. Close the bottle tightly and shake to mix the ingredients well. Let the synergy rest for a few hours before use. Apply a few drops of this synergy on the exposed parts of the skin before going out. 

This synergy combines the repellent properties of citronella, lavender, geranium and peppermint to ward off mosquitoes in a natural way. Carrier oil helps dilute essential oils and make them easier to apply to the skin. Be sure to perform a skin tolerance test before using this synergy to ensure that you do not have any allergic reactions to the essential oils.

Precautions for use:

In general, we do not recommend the use of essential oils for pregnant or breastfeeding women, epileptics, hypersensitive people or more generally those with health problems and for children under 3 months. Do not hesitate to consult your doctor if you have any questions.