Difficulty: Easy
Cost: Economical
Number of servings: 1 bowl
Have you ever tried the famous smoothie bowl recipe? This recipe full of freshness and good for your health is to be enjoyed in the morning for breakfast to fill up with vitality. No more industrial cakes in the morning, we now move on to the smoothie bowl, much healthier and vitaminized to start the day.
The smoothie bowl is available to infinity according to your desires and also what you have in the fridge and cupboards. Impossible to get bored with this ultra gourmet recipe. It consists of a smoothie base (yogurt and frozen or fresh fruit) and a topping to enhance it (fresh fruit, granola, dried fruit, superfoods, etc.). The texture of the smoothie bowl should be thick enough to eat with a spoon.
Treat yourself to this super appetizing breakfast!
Ingredients for this recipe:
- 200 grams of Skyr or Greek yogurt.
- 2 apricots
- 1 nectarine
- 25 grams Granola Cranberries Chia
- 1 small handful Berry of Goji
- Grated coconut
You can use frozen fruits in your smoothie, they will add freshness and texture. But do not use ice cubes, which will just add water to your preparation.
- Blender
- Scale
- Preparation: 5-10 mins.
For the smoothie:
- In the blender, mix the skyr with 1 apricot and 1/2 nectarine.
- Mix for about 30 seconds and pour into a bowl.
For the topping:
- Cut the apricot and 1/2 nectarine into small pieces.
- Place on the smoothie: a row of apricot, then the granola, 1/2 nectarine and finally the goji berries (the entire topping must cover your smoothie).
- Finally, sprinkle with grated coconut.
- Once prepared, eat right away - Bon appetit.
Prepare the topping in advance to keep your smoothie fresh.
Presentation suggestion. KRUSH Granola Smoothie Bowl!
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