PET bottle 500 ml
  • PET bottle 500 ml
  • PET bottle 500 ml

PET bottle 500 ml

Brand : Essence Box

2,00 €
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500 ml PET plastic bottle with tamper-evident screw cap for your household products.

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500 ml PET plastic bottle with screw cap

Thanks to this bottle, make your own household products. This bottle is also compatible with foodstuffs.

The bottle is supplied with its white PE-HD cap which is recyclable. An EPE plastic sealing insert is placed in the cap to ensure a perfect seal. EPE plastic is a stable, inert material that does not decompose in the environment.

This bottle is compatible with the trigger spray and the dosing pump.

In this bottle, you can prepare your homemade dishwashing liquids or your homemade shower gels, for example.


  • Transparent PET bottle with shiny surface
  • White PE-HD cap
  • 28ROPP tamper evident ring
  • Capacity: 500 ml

My contribution to the planet:

This bottle is made of 100% recyclable PET. The cap, made of PE-HD, is also recyclable.

Essence Box

Essential oils, vegetable oils and clays.

Data sheet

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